About Us-Dad House Residence, Lankaran city

Located 250 kilometers away from the Capital in the beautiful city of southern region, Lankaran, DAD Residence is prime example of unique design. Breathtaking views and ideally equipped houses with conditions created for a comfortable and peaceful rest. In our astounding nature you may peacefully rest as well as taste traditional dishes of the region prepared by professional chefs of the DAD House Restaurant. For your pleasure we offer mountain hikes, phaeton rides along with open air cinema with aromatic local samovar tea. Lakeside barbecue is available for your service to enjoy your time in the midst of mesmerising nature. We are looking forward to host anyone desiring getaway.


Terms of stay

DAD Residence is prime example of unique design. Breathtaking views and ideally equipped houses with conditions created for a comfortable and peaceful rest. In our astounding nature you may peacefully rest as well as taste traditional dishes of the region prepared by professional chefs of the DAD House Restaurant.

Check-in 15:00
Check-out 12:00
Booking cancellation

In case, necessary documentation such as death/hospital certificate or cancellation letter of leave permission, are provided only then 50% of your payment may be refunded. Otherwise payments are non-refundable.

Сancellation policy

Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type.